Grateful Dead
Berkeley Community Theatre
Berkeley, Cal
March 13, 1985
Rex Foundation Benefit
Master Soundboard Cassette > DAT > CDR
Disc 1
~Set 1~
Jack Straw
Mama Tried >
Mexicali Blues
Friend Of The Devil
Minglewood Blues *
Deal *
~set 2~
The Music Never Stopped >
Franklin's Tower
Disc 2
~set 2 continued~
Estimated Prophet >
Spoonful * >
Drums ** >
Ollin Arrageed ** >
Space ** >
Women are Smarter >
Black Peter * >
Good Lovin'
Brokedown Palace
* = w/Matt Kelly
** = w/Hamza El-Din
-pretty low digistatic here and there in the first few minutes of Jack Straw
-analog signal drop out 5:56 jack straw
-sealed splice or MC flip at 4:23 of Deal
-Fixed the zap at 6:58 of Music
-sealed splice at 6:51 of Spoonful
-tape glitch at 8:13 of Space
track indexes were cut with no fades between discs
eac v9.3 secure test and copy with offset's config'd, no errors reported
cdwave and shntool used to close the splice gaps
shn via mkw v.97 seek enabled
sector boundaries checked in shntool. they were fine.
uploaded June '02
steve barbella
Another issue of The Music Never Stopped Project
thanks to raul for the seeds