This is a tagged version of shnid: 99835

Grateful Dead
April 27, 1985
Frost Amphitheater
Palo Alto, CA

Source: Audience

Lineage: Nakamichi 700's > d6 > MAC > Nakamichi DR-1 > HD-P2 > 24/96 WAve > Wavelab 5 >
UAD Plugs > r8brain Pro > Izotope Ozone 3 Mbit + > 16/44.1 Wave > Flac

-Taped by: Anon
-Transferred and Editied by: Bgreen
-Tracked, flac'ed, and packed by: ChrisJ
-First seeded to: June 2009
-Brought To You By Live Music Preservation Project

--Set 1--
101-d1t01. Dancin in the Streets ->
102-d1t02. Bertha
103-d1t03. tuning
104-d1t04. Little Red Rooster
105-d1t05. Brown Eyed Women
106-d1t06. My Brother Essau
107-d1t07. Ramble on Rose
108-d1t08. Just LikeTom Thumb's Blues
109-d1t09. Cold Rain & Snow ->
110-d1t10. The Music Never Stopped

--Set 2--
201-d2t01. Scarlet Begonias ->
202-d2t02. Eyes of the World ->
203-d2t03. Goin Down the Road Feelin Bad ->
204-d2t04. Man Smart (Woman Are Smarter) - >
205-d2t05. Drums ->
206-d2t06. Space ->
207-d3t01. The Wheel ->
208-d3t02. Truckin' ->
209-d3t03. The Other One ->
210-d3t04. Black Peter ->
211-d3t05. Around & around ->
212-d3t06. One More Saturday Night

213-d3t07. Keep Your Day Job

- This source sounds absolutely great. HUGE thanks to Anon for this one. One of my favorite
auds I've had the pleasure to work on to date!!! Thank you sir!!!!
- Encore patched from SHNID 76584

Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac
files. If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be
stripped, however audio data will remain unaffected. If you must
transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
B. Proctor 12-23-12