This is a tagged version of shnid: 27582
Grateful Dead
Richmond Coliseum
Richmond, VA
(Sick Bits Vol.1)
Source: Matrix:
SBD - > ? > DAT > CD > EAC > WAV > CoolEdit2000 (retracking) > SHN
AUD - Connor (FOB) Mics: Beyer Dynamic M88's > Sony TCD5M(CM)
AUD - Oade (Tapers� Section) Mics: Schoeps (2 x CMC441, 1 x CMC42)
> Sony PCM-F1 > Sony Portable BetaMax
complete text files for each of the 3 sources appended at end
All sources were snh files downloaded from LMA and converted to
WAV > Vegas 5 > WAV > FLAC
Matrixed by Chris Chappell
--Set 1--
101-d1t01 - //Bertha ->
102-d1t02 - Greatest Story Ever Told
103-d1t03 - Dupree's Diamond Blues
104-d1t04 - C.C. Rider
105-d1t05 - Althea
106-d1t06 - My Brother Esau
107-d1t07 - Candyman
108-d1t08 - Let It Grow
--Set 2--
201-d1t09 - Tuning
202-d1t10 - Iko Iko
203-d2t01 - Estimated Prophet ->
204-d2t02 - Uncle John's Band ->
205-d2t03 - China Doll ->
206-d2t04 - Drums ->
207-d2t05 - Space ->
208-d2t06 - Morning Dew ->
209-d2t07 - Throwing Stones ->
210-d2t08 - Turn On Your Lovelight
211-d2t09 - It's All Over Now Baby Blue
General Notes:
Often overshadowed by the novelty of the night before, this was always
a favorite show of those I attended because of the great performances
by all band members. Highlights include a psychadelic ending on Iko
(w/Phil on vocals too), a moving China Doll out of a very innovative
modal jam post UJB, and a thunderous Dew out of Space.
Given the multiple sources available on the Llama, I decided to put the
effort into editing a matrix since I was never completely happy with
the SBD. The result is a worthwile listen, especially given that none
of the existing sources are complete.
Music Notes:
Everyone seemed to get a late start, thus the first few bars of Bertha
are missing, the SBD being the only source for the first 4 seconds.
Also, some of the tuning between Greatest Story and Dupree's is missing
from all 3 sources, right before Bobby invokes the crowd's assisstance
in getting people to stop lighting off fireworks. This timeline is most
likely missing about 10 seconds of dead air and a few fireworks, due to
everyone pausing their decks. The encore contains virtually no tuning,
but other than that the whole show is intact.
Tracking Notes:
The entire show fits on 2 discs with Iko at the end of disc 1. The
transition between the 2 discs can be put together seemlessly.
Sector boundaries on the original matrixed wavs are all OK and
confirmed by shntool without having to use the fix utility.
(see shntool output of flac files below)
Editing Notes:
- Pitch
All 3 sources were pitched differently, the SBD being the sharpest,
and the Oade AUD being the flatest. Since the FOB AUD was also the
most intact, I used this as my master timeline and pitch reference to
which the other two sources were synched. The SBD had to be pitched
down on average about -.20 (20 cents) while the OADE AUD was pitched
up on average about +.12 (12 cents) - 1.00 being 100 cents which is a
semitone. Thus the SBD was about a fifth of a semitone sharp. It
is possible that the Oade Brothers' source is closest in pitch to
A=440, but since I used this source sporadically, it was easier to
pitch everything to Charlie Connor's FOB AUD. My guess is that A=440
lies somewhere between the 2 AUD sources. Antares auto-tuner would
reveal the truth, but I care not to know, whatever sounds good is best.
- Speed Fluctuation
Remember that all 3 field recording devices employed the reel (even
the Sony BetaMax) which resulted in speed fluctuation and thus pitch
variations. The most noticeable is the SBD source because the cassette
deck used to record it is powered by the same juice as the whole Front
Of House, and combined with ELF from Phil the volts going to the deck
definately varied - not to mention pausing, which takes a while for the
reels and the motor to settle on a constant speed. The SBD speed flux
could also be attributed to multiple generations from late 80's tape
decks. Since the AUDs were running off of battery power, much less
speed fluctuation exists.
- Synch
Even after pitch correcting the other two sources to the FOB AUD,
because of the speed fluctuation within a given source, multiple edits
were performed to keep the sources synched. Because the FOB was my
master pitch and time ref, the SBD was synched to the FOB (too many
edits to list).
- Sonic Quality/Matrix ratio
The SBD suffers from many issues, the main one being that it is extremely
compressed which not only kills the dynamic response, but introduces
hiss and some serious peak-shaving. The FOB AUD is nice and balanced,
while the Oade AUD has some low end added in post by Doug due to the
bass roll-off used on the Schoep mics (see txt below). As a result, I
employed no EQ nor Compression finding the blend between the SBD and
the FOB AUD to be quite full. The Oade AUD has more of the Coliseum
sound in it due to their proximity to the stage, while the FOB is closer
in proximity, but still picks some of the "room". Conceptually, all
I was trying to do here is to add some dimension to the SBD, which is
pretty flat, by using the ambience of the FOB AUD. The Oade AUD is
used mainly to patch spots where both the FOB and SBD were lacking in
coverage. The result is a lively but clear recording, hopefully close
to how it sounded at the show. If I had to guess the SBD/AUD ratio
would be somewhere between 3:1 and 4:1.
- Edits
The following are places where the SBD and FOB AUD had holes or
incomplete coverage in reference to the final matrix timeline. The
OADE AUD edits are patches. There are a few spots where all 3
sources are employed at the same time, really only because of desire
for smooth transitions between sources.
d1t02 (3:39 - 4:17) - missing
d1t03 (7:11 - 7:22) - missing
d1t05 (7:47 - 8:56) - missing
d1t06 (5:31 - 5:50) - missing
d1t07 (0:00 - 0:08) + (6:19 - 6:30) - missing
d1t08 (8:06:19 - 8:06:47) + (10:43 - 11:02) - missing
d1t09 (tuning) - missing
d1t10 (0:00 - 0:15) + (7:20 - 7:34) - missing
d2t01 (7:17:20 - 7:17:62) + (10:17:60 - 10:18:12) - missing
d2t02 (10:52:40 - 10:52:72) - missing
d2t03 (6:22:08 - 6:22:42) - missing
d2t04 (6:14:24 - 6:14:64) + (8:01 - 8:22) - missing
d2t05 (0:00 - 1:23) + (1:37 - 3:46) - missing
d2t06 (1:07:52) - removed static (left intact on FOB AUD-went thru PA)
d2t08 (0:01:15 - 0:01:69) + (4:37 - 4:49) - missing
d2t09 (7:21 - 7:53) - missing
d1t01 (0:00 - 0:04) - missing
d1t05 (7:47 - 8:56) - missing
d1t06 (0:00 - 0:30) - missing
d1t08 (10:49 - 11:02) - missing
d1t09 (tuning) - missing
d1t10 (0:00 - 0:03) - missing
d2t04 (8:01 - 8:22) - missing
d2t06 (6:53:27 - 6:53:31) - missing
d2t09 (7:23 - 7:53) - missing
Oade AUD:
d1t02 (3:32 - 4:20) to d1t03 (0:04) - added
d1t05 (7:38 - 8:56) to d1t06 (1:28) - added
d1t06 (5:29 - 5:50) to d1t07 (1:07) - added
d1t07 (6:13 - 6:44) to d1t08 (0:21) - added
d1t08 (8:04 - 8:09) + (10:24 - 11:02) - added
d1t09 (tuning) - added
d1t10 (0:00 - 0:39) + (7:13 - 7:34) - added
d2t04 (7:44 - 8:40) - added
d2t08 (4:33 - 4:48) - added
d2t09 (7:14 - 7:53) - added
Note that alot of the missing elements from the SBD source are just
in between song tuning in the first set; however, in the second set
their are many half second holes (cuased by what is a mystery) as well
as many holes around sector boundaries due to poor tracking many
times over. Except for the cut into Bertha, all music is intact.
Thanks to Charlie Connor, Doug and Jim Oade for recording and seeding
their respective sources. Thanks to Jonathan Aizen for uploading the
SBD to the Llama, and Steve Martin for supplying the SBD discs to who converted them to shn.
Happy Holidays & Enjoy!!!
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be stripped, however
audio data will remain unaffected.
If you must transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use st5 (or ffp) to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
B. Proctor 2-18-13
Here is the shntool output of the flac files (xx under problems denotes
"not applicable" since those columns only relate to wavs):
length expanded size cdr WAVE problems filename
6:20.38 67121420 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d1t01matrix.flac
4:20.70 46028684 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d1t02matrix.flac
7:24.22 78373388 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d1t03matrix.flac
7:27.40 78944924 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d1t04matrix.flac
8:56.39 94642172 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d1t05matrix.flac
5:50.47 61850588 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d1t06matrix.flac
6:44.43 71366780 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d1t07matrix.flac
11:02.23 116830940 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d1t08matrix.flac
0:44.45 7867484 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d1t09matrix.flac
7:38.00 80791244 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d1t10matrix.flac
11:02.27 116840348 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d2t01matrix.flac
11:10.66 118343276 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d2t02matrix.flac
6:53.09 72874412 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d2t03matrix.flac
8:40.48 91840940 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d2t04matrix.flac
8:01.00 84848444 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d2t05matrix.flac
11:12.00 118540844 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d2t06matrix.flac
8:04.45 85483484 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d2t07matrix.flac
4:49.27 51043148 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d2t08matrix.flac
7:53.00 83437244 --- -- ---xx gd85-11-02d2t09matrix.flac
144:16.64 1527069764 B
(totals for 19 files, 0.6453 overall compression ratio)
The following is the SBD text file:
Grateful Dead
Richmond Colesium
Richmond, VA
Source: SBD > ? > DAT > CD > EAC > WAV > CoolEdit2000 (retracking) >SHN
Thanks to Steven Martin for the discs!
EAC/CoolEdit/SHN by 1/03
*Disc 1*
* Set 1 *
1. Bertha
2. Greatest Story Ever Told
3. Dupree's Diamond Blues
4. C. C. Rider
5. Althea
6. My Brother Esau
7. Candyman
8. Let It Grow
* Set 2 *
9. //Iko Iko
* Encore *
10. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
*Disc 2*
* Set 2 (cont.) *
1. Estimated Prophet ->
2. Uncle John's Band ->
3. China Doll ->
4. Dru//ms ->
5. S//pace ->
6. Morning Dew ->
7. Throwing Stones ->
8. Turn On Your Lovelight
: Pretty clean recording; hiss barely worth mentioning, hot levels in places
: First note or two of Iko missing, then a brief dropout (<1/2 second) at 0:08
: Healy turns on some echoey strangeness during the first verse of UJB, from about 2:02-2:22.
: Playin' tease out of China Doll, but it never materializes.
: 1 splice in drums (6:16), 1 in space (0:12); possibly cassette flips in earlier gens?
shntool output:
length expanded size cdr WAVE probs filename
6:18.42 66778028 --- -- -xx gd85-11-02d1t01.shn
3:40.40 38902124 --- -- -xx gd85-11-02d1t02.shn
7:10.71 76019036 --- -- -xx gd85-11-02d1t03.shn
7:22.38 78058220 --- -- -xx gd85-11-02d1t04.shn
7:45.01 82028396 --- -- -xx gd85-11-02d1t05.shn
5:26.47 57616988 --- -- -xx gd85-11-02d1t06.shn
6:21.57 67342508 --- -- -xx gd85-11-02d1t07.shn
10:37.03 112373900 --- -- -xx gd85-11-02d1t08.shn
7:04.41 74890076 --- -- -xx gd85-11-02d1t09.shn
7:14.61 76701116 --- -- -xx gd85-11-02d1t10.shn
10:58.01 116073596 --- -- -xx gd85-11-02d2t01.shn
11:21.52 120250748 --- -- -xx gd85-11-02d2t02.shn
6:22.15 67420124 --- -- -xx gd85-11-02d2t03.shn
7:48.67 82712828 --- -- -xx gd85-11-02d2t04.shn
4:55.47 52148588 --- -- -xx gd85-11-02d2t05.shn
11:02.26 116837996 --- -- -xx gd85-11-02d2t06.shn
8:01.73 85020140 --- -- -xx gd85-11-02d2t07.shn
4:32.63 48129020 --- -- -xx gd85-11-02d2t08.shn
134:05.70 1419303432 B
The following is the FOB AUD text file:
Grateful Dead
Richmond Coliseum
Richmond, Virginia
November 2, 1985
Source Audience (FOB)
Mics Beyer Dynamic M88's
Tapedeck Sony TCD5M
Media Maxell MX90
Taper Charlie Connor
(FOB)AUD>Beyer Dynamic M88's>Sony TCD5M(CM)>Nak DR-10 (Playback)>
Midiman Flying Cow 24bit/48kHz A/D>RME Digi96/8>
Steinberg's Wavelab 3.0 (bit resolution & resampling to CDR
redbook 16/44.1>CDWav v1.6 (tracking only)>SHNv3 (MKW ACT)
Note: md5's provided for both shn & wav files.
CD 1 Total Time 56:18
First Set
1. //Bertha>
2. Greatest Story Ever Told
3. Dupree's Diamond Blues
4. C.C. Rider>
5. Althea
6. //Brother Esau
7. Candyman
8. Let It Grow
CD 2 Total Time 44:33
Second Set
1. //Aiko Aiko
2. Estimated Prophet>
3. Uncle John's Band>
4. China Doll>
5. Drums//
CD 3 Total Time 39:39
Second Set Continued
1. //Space>
2. Morning Dew>
3. Throwing Stones>
4. Turn On Your Lovelight
5. It's All Over Now Baby Blue
Both Analog & Digital Mastering by Charlie Connor
shn'd 3/13/01
The following is the Oade AUD text file:
Grateful Dead
Richmond Coliseum
Richmond, VA
Source: Audience (Tapers� Section) � Digital Master
Mics: Schoeps (2 x CMC441, 1 x CMC42)
Processor: Sony PCM-F1 (Oade Modified)
Tape Deck: Sony Portable BetaMax
Taper: Oades
Tracked: Conrad
Schoeps CMC441s (90deg, 17cm) with single Omni center channel mic
(CMC42 offset ~ 8' - mixed into main pair of CMC 441s) >
custom mixer made by Doug Oade (M118 circuit in a 3 channel package) >
Oade mod SONY PCM-F1
Master PCM > DAW (via SEKD card) > DSP* > CD data >
HD > compressed with mkwACT0.97b (mkw) > CDR
*DSP Notes:
Doug Oade performed DSP on the transferred wav files
using Waves REQ, RCL and C4 plug ins. IDR used for 32 >
16bit conversions of DAW files.
Doug's DSP comments:
�The DSP I did was to accomplish three goals,
one is to reduce the dynamic range, without making it sound compressed
(very low ratio of 1.25 to 1), the second, to apply EQ in order to
partially compensate for the LF rolloff of the mics used and finally,
I used the C4 processor to reduce PA or source hiss from space that
was brought up in level by the use of RCL.�
Disc 1 1:13:37 (Omit track 08a. Audience)
Alternate - 1:14:23 (Include track 08a. Audience)
Set 1:
01. 0:00:41 //Bertha (*1) >
02. 0:05:28 Greatest Story Ever Told
03. 0:08:07 Dupree's Diamond Blues
04. 0:07:31 C.C. Rider >
05. 0:09:26 Althea
06. 0:05:38 My Brother Esau
07. 0:06:41 Candyman (*2)
08. 0:11:11 Let It Grow
Set 2:
08a. 0:00:45 Audience
09. 0:07:38 Iko Iko
10. 0:11:13 Estimated Prophet >
Disc 2 1:07:06
Set 2 (continued):
01. 0:11:20 Uncle John's Band >
02. 0:06:53 China Doll >
03. 0:16:45 Drums (*3 � 02:58) >
04. 0:11:19 Morning Dew >
05. 0:08:12 Throwin' Stones >
06. 0:04:54 Turn On Your Love Light
07. 0:07:42 //Baby Blue (*4)
Notes: (With Doug Oade's comments marked as D.O.)
*1. The majority of the Bertha opener is missing
(due to a late arrival/setup - which was unusual for the Oades).
D.O.: "...we setup late and did not get the first set startup..."
*2. There is a minor pop near the start of Candyman.
"The Candyman pop is a source pop. I remember it being a problem
we had with one mic that was repaired prior to the NYE run in 85."
*3. There is a ~3 second dropout in Drums/Space starting near 02:58.
D.O.: " is a hard drop due to a bad spot on the master tape.
My DAT has the same drop on it..."
*4. Part of the intro into the "Baby Blue" encore is missing.
D.O.: "...Baby Blue ... it was a late start, possible battery death
after the second set and Jim did not notice it right away,
seems like a rough night for the Oade Taping Team!
CD-R > HD > verified mkw signature file
- converted mkw to wav (mkwACT0.97b) > Tracked with CD Wave v.1.91 >
compressed with mkwACT0.97b (SHN trackable - sector boundaries verified
with shntool v1.02) > CD-R
Discs were laid out to try to
accommodate 74 minute CDs. If track 08a (45 seconds of audience
before start of 2nd set) is omitted, timing for Disc 1 will be less
than 74 minutes. If you want to include d1t08a, total time for Disc 1
will be 74 minutes and 23 seconds (i.e. consider using 80 minute CD).
The decision was made to start Disc 2 with Uncle John�s Band even
though Estimated Prophet segues into Uncle John�s.
It�s a minor transition from Estimated to Uncle John�s.
Estimated ends cleanly on Disc 1 and Uncle John�s starts cleanly on
Disc 2.
Once you've listened to this recording I think you'll agree
that the technical issues (noted above) fade in the light of the
magic that was captured in the moment. I trust you'll appreciate
the quality and energy of these shows that the Oades documented so
Thank you Doug, Jim and Carlos, for making this material
available - for your tireless efforts and selfless dedication to
preserving and sharing the music.
First hosted November 22, 2003 via Bit Torrent by macdaddy.