Brendan Byrne Arena
East Rutherford NJ
s1t01 crowd & tuning
s1t02 Touch of Grey
s1t03 Hell in a Bucket >
s1t04 Sugaree
s1t05 Cassidy
s1t06 Stagger Lee
s1t07 It's All Over Now
s1t08 Row Jimmy
s1t09 Feel Like a Stranger
s2t01 Mississippi Half Step >
s2t02 I Know You Rider
s2t03 Playin' in the Band >
s2t04 Uncle John's Band >
s2t05 Drums >
s2t06 Space >
s2t07 Truckin' >
s2t08 Comes a Time >
s2t09 Around & Around >
s2t10 Good Lovin'
s2t11 Encore: It's All Over Now Baby Blue
AUD: Nakamichi CM300/CP4 shotguns > Sony TC-D5M > Sony UCXS90
(1st set) & TDK MA90 (2nd set) with no Dolby. Set up last row
of floor far right (stage left) side.
Transfer: MAC > Nakamichi CR-5A > Edirol FA-66 > Wavelab 2448 >
R8Brain > CD-Wave > TLH > FLAC 1644 tagged. Taped and transferred
by Andrew F. 05/2014
Note: ID-114678 patches; IAON 0:00 > 0:10, Truckin' 0:17 > 0:27.
ID-4774 patch, crowd end of IAON 8:59 > Row Jimmy 0:11.
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