This is a tagged version of shnid: 145496
Grateful Dead
July 04, 1986
Rich Stadium,
Orchard Park, NY
Sets I & II
Ackerman Archives
Recording & Transfer by Ray Ackerman;
Sennheiser 441 > Sony D5 > Master Audience Cassettes (FOB)
Transfer; Master Cassettes (Nakamichi 700 MKii) > Oade modified Grace Design Lunatec V3 > M-Audio MicroTrack II > WAV 24/96
Edited & Mastered by Joe Noel
WAV > Audacity > FLAC 24/96
August 28, 2018
This file set is 16 bit @ 44.1
Patch Info:
- shnid 111541 (Nakamichi CM300/CP4 Shotguns) supplies;
- s1t01; all
- shnid 13565 (Senn 441) supplies;
- s2t07; 08:14 - end
- s2t08; start - 00:55
- Thanks to Ray for taping & sharing
- Thanks to Floater & Keo for the set I source
- Thanks to Don Crandel for the set II patch
- Tape pauses (s1) cross faded
- The band is "stalling for time" at the onset
- Bob Dylan, Petty & Heartbreakers opened.
* broadcast live via satellite to Farm Aid in Austin, TX.
- "Welcome America. Welcome Austin, TX. Welcome everyone to Farm Aid TV. Looks like were gonna tune up now." - P. Lesh
- "America is at its backbone an agrarian nation. Lets keep it turning." - B. Weir
- The thing I remember most about this show was people freaking out when heads got excited after the CR&S set II opener. People started hearing "Fire" & looking around wondering where.
- Set I -
s1t01 - tuning
s1t02 - Jack Straw
s1t03 - Dupree's Diamond Blues
s1t04 - C.C. Rider
s1t05 - Tennessee Jed
s1t06 - My Brother Esau
s1t07 - Touch of Grey
- Set II -
s2t01 - Cold Rain and Snow ->
s2t02 - Fire on the Mountain ->
s2t03 - Samson and Delilah *
s2t04 - The Wheel -> *
s2t05 - I Need a Miracle -> *
s2t06 - Uncle John's Band ->
s2t07 - Drums ->
s2t08 - Space ->
s2t09 - Gimme Some Lovin' ->
s2t10 - Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad ->
s2t11 - Turn On Your Love Light
- encore
s2t12 - U.S. Blues
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be stripped,
however audio data will remain unaffected. If you must
transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp or st5 to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
[J.Noel 28 August 2018]
Re-tagged by B. Hart 03-06-19
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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