This is a tagged version of shnid:91977
Grateful Dead 9/19/1987 (sat)
Madison Square Garden
New York, New York
Taper(s): David Barfield and or David Lane
Source: (OTS) Nakamichi cm 300/cp4->Sony D-5M(Dolby B)->Maxell mx90 x 2
Transfer: MAC->Nakamichi MR-1->Korg MR-1000 (1 bit/ 5.6 Mhz)->Audio Gate->16/44 wav->flac
Transferred and seeded on 5/23/2008 by: M. Watson
Set I
Mississippi Half Step->
All Over Now
High Time
Big River
When Push Comes to Shove
Box of Rain->
Don't Ease Me In
Set II
Crazy Fingers->
Uncle John's Band->
Maggie's Farm->
Black Peter->
Around & Around->
E) Black Muddy River
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac
files. If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be
stripped, however audio data will remain unaffected. If you must
transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
D.Frazer. 02-28-'13.
I would like to thank both Dave Barfield and Dave Lane for lending me their masters. This is the first of many to come, Enjoy!!!