Grateful Dead
Silver Stadium
Rochester, NY
Set II only (FIX)
Source: FOB recording by Ted Mattes
Schoeps CMC42s (omnis spaced 8 feet) > Apogee Mod Sony PCM F1 FOB.
Transfer: John Ammons
Beta master > DAT > CD > Audacity
Patch, tags & checksums: Joe Noel in Audacity & xACT
Patch info:
shnid 000414 (Schoeps CMC5/mk21 fob) supplies:
- Drums (all)
- Space (0:00 - 8:00)
- Throwing Stones (5:00 - 5:20)
cut between BION removed
duplicate patch removed from end of space (crossfades re-applied)
-Set II-
Green Onions
China Cat Sunflower ->
I Know You Rider
Sampson & Delilah
Believe It or Not
Truckin' ->
He's Gone ->
Drums ->
Space ->
The Other One ->
Wharf Rat ->
Throwing Stones ->
Turn On Your Lovelight
Brokedown Palace
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be stripped,
however audio data will remain unaffected. If you must
transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp or st5 to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
(J.Noel 29 March 2017)
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: