This is a tagged version of shnid: 89967

Grateful Dead
October 18, 1989
The Spectrum
Philadelphia, PA

SBD + AUD Matrix 2 Source Mix

Set 1:
d1t01 - Shakedown Street
d1t02 - Little Red Rooster
d1t03 - Peggy-O
d1t04 - Queen Jane Approximately
d1t05 - Bird Song ->
d1t06 - The Music Never Stopped

Set 2:
d2t01 - China Cat Sunflower ->
d2t02 - I Know You Rider
d2t03 - Ship Of Fools ->
d2t04 - Man Smart (Woman Smarter) ->
d2t05 - Terrapin Station ->
d2t06 - Jam ->
d2t07 - Drums ->
d3t01 - Space ->
d3t02 - Gimme Some Lovin' ->
d3t03 - All Along The Watchtower ->
d3t04 - Black Peter ->
d3t05 - Around And Around ->
d3t06 - Good Lovin'

d3t07 - U.S. Blues

Audio Source Information
SBD (shnid = 83776)
Recording Info:
SBD -> Cassette Master (TDK MA-XG90)

Transfer Info:
Cassette Master (Tascam 122mkII) -> Apogee MiniMe (24bit/48k) ->
Samplitude Professional v8.01 -> FLAC/16
(3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC)

All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
January 29, 2007

Patch Info:
(2) Nakamichi 300/CP4 + (1) Nakamichi 300/CP3 -> Cassette Master -> CD
From 1:41 in Drums to 6:21 in Space

-- Set 2 is seamless
-- Thanks to Paul Scotton and Joani Walker for the tapes
-- Patch source recorded By Jill and Rob R.)

AUD (shnid = 89963)
Master: JVC Single Tube Camera, Nak 300 Shotguns -> 0 Decks -> Panasonic AG-7400 -> S-VHS Master
Transfer: S-VHS Master -> Sony SLV-R5UC -> Panasonic AG-7400 -> S-VHS 1st Gen
Transfer: S-VHS 1st Gen -> Panasonic AG-7150 -> Canopus ADVC-100 -> iMac G4 -> Final Cut Pro 3 -> MP2 -> AIFF -> Adobe Audition 3.0
Tech Notes

SHNs were decoded to wave and Audition 3.0 was used to reassemble the tracks back to 1 long wave. Audition 3.0 was used to align & synch the SBD & AUD sources. Audition 3.0 used to adjust the volume for AUDs, matrix/CTR and LFE channels. Surcode CD Pro DTS was used to encode to DTS.
- Mixed by
- FLAC conversion 10-FEB-2008
Multitrack Mixdown Settings


Stereo Matrix
SBD -0
AUD -0


Stereo Matrix
SBD -0
AUD -0
Audio\Video Patches:

Brokedown House Production

Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be stripped,
however audio data will remain unaffected.
If you must transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
A Mills 11/1/13