This is a tagged version of shnid: 120743
The Grateful Dead
Knickerbocker Arena
Albany,New York
March 24, 1990
Recorded By B.R. And Mr. Currier using:
AKG451 With Shotguns>AKG 9V Phantom Power Box>Sony TCD-D10 (Rob Berger's)>
Sony TCD-D10>(B.R.'s Patch)
Mr. Currier's Cassettes Lineage:
B.R,'s Sony TCD-D10>Master Dat>Nakamichi CR-3A>Dolby C, Tapes Maxell MX-90's
Transfer With:
Nakamichi MR-1>No Dolby>Korg MR-1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6 MHz
Tracking/Sample Rate Conversion With AudioGate Software To 32/96 kHz
Dithered/Flacked With Korg Aqua To 16/44
SBE's Checked/Fixed With Trader's Little Helper
Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename
Set 1:
102-02.Let The Good Times Roll
103-03.Help On The Way>
105-05.Franklin's Tower
106-06.Walkin' Blues
107-07.Loser (Tape Flip After Song)
108-08.Desolation Row
109-09.Tennessee Jed
110-10.One More Saturday Night, Set Break
Set 2:
202-12.Playin' In The Band>
203-13.Uncle John's Band>
304-14.Terrapin Station>
205-15.Mind Left Body Jam>
208-18.The Wheel>
209-19.All Along The Watchtower>
210-20.Stella Blue>
211-21.Not Fade Away>NFA Chant..
Encore:(Added From Set 1 Tape)
212-22.And We Bid You Goodnight
- Recorded from OTS
- A Huge Thanks out to Mr. Currier for
sending me his copies of this show to work on and
to B.R. and to Mr. Berger for the initial mic/deck
set up!Mr. Currier had cable problems for these
shows and copied the master dats to cassette once
he returned home from tour.For me I could never have
too many copies of this smoking show and these being
on metal tapes in excellent condition and a new mic
source to circulate they were begging for the
Nak MR-1>Korg MR-1000 1 Bit transfer!This is another
incredible recording for this show!
AS ALWAYS ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tagging Notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be stripped,
however, the audio data will remain unaffected.
If you must transcode to a Lossy format, do directly flac>Lossy.
Use FFP to validate audio integrity.
MD5 values will change if tagging is altered.
B. Hart 11-02-18
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: