Grateful Dead
March 24, 1990
Knickerbocker Arena
Albany, NY
3 Source Matrix
Soundboard (shnid:107873)
Recording Info:
SBD -> Cassette Master (TDK SA90)
Transfer Info:
Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1) -> Sound Devices 744T (24bit/48k) ->
Samplitude Professional v11.03 -> FLAC/16
(3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC)
All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
May 22, 2010
-- Set 2 is seamless
-- A second master was used to patch the Set 2 tape flip
Audience (shnid:011806)
Source: AUD(Schoeps CMC 421�s)>DAT>CDR>
Conversion: EAC(secure)>CD WAV>Cool Edit Pro>SHN(seekable)
Conversion/Edit/Seeded to Etree by T. Wiley 8/29/2002.
EAC: Secure to extract all disks @ 100% quality no reported errors.
CD WAV: To select tracks.
Cool Edit Pro: Preformed only on tracks listed above.(see comments)
SHN: Via mkwact(seekable)
Another Installment Of The Music Never Stopped Project!
Thanks to Paul B. for the source disks.
D1t01 (Let The Good Times Roll) Pops in right channel @ 2:02 and 2:04 Both removed
and replace with left channel.
D1t03 (Slipknot!) Static @ 1:05 and @ 2:52 both right channel removed and replaced
with left channel.
D1t06 (Loser) Pops right channel @ 1:23, 6:15 and 7:54 all removed and replaced with
left channel. This track also has a Drop out @ 2:00 both channels removed.
D1t07 (Desolation Row) Pop @ 1:55 and 2:03 both right channel removed and replace with
left channel.
D1t08 (Tennessee Jed) Pops @ 4:08, 6:01 both right channel removed and replaced with
left channel.
D1t09 (One More Saturday Night).
D2t01 (Playing In The Band) Static @ 4:12 removed slightly, Constant pops from 9:33
through 9:37 removed slightly as well. I couldn't remove all of them because
the song didn't sound right. There maybe more problems present it was hard to
tell. This person next to the mics. was clapping through out the show.
Flac encoding notes:
All processing with Trader's Little Helper
Shn - st5 generated
Shn > Flac ( level 8 )
Flac - st5 generated and matched to Shn st5
B. Proctor 2/10/2014
Audience (shnid:125389)
**16 bit/48khz**
Source: Nakamichi CM300/CP4 > Panasonic SV250 (48 khz)
Location: OTS
Transfer: Sony PCM-2600(Apogee AES/EBU)>Sound Devices 722 (16/48)>
Firewire>Macbook>Sound Studio 3.6(fades, normalize peak, +gain, track)>
xACT 2.23(encode, tag, fingerprint)>flac16 (level 8 )
Taped by: Dr. Stan Lobitz
DAT clone (1) provided by: Craig Hillwig
Transferred and seeded by: Lenny Stubbe
- Walkin Blues and the entire second set appear on the official release
"Dozin At The Knick"
- last Mind Left Body jam 12/30/83 (431 shows)
- 44.1k version exists
Seeded to etree on 08/11/2013
---Thank you Charlie Miller for your work on the SBD.
---Thank you T. Wiley for your work on the AUD.(shnid:011806)
---Thank you Paul B. for providing the AU discs.(shnid:011806)
---Thank you Dr.Stan Lobitz for recording the show.(shnid:125389)
---Thank you Craig Hillwig for providing the AUD DAT.(shnid:125389)
---Thank you Lenny Stubbe for your work on the AUD.(shnid:125389)
---Thank you XJ32 for the art work.
---Thank you Germain for your advice, encouragement, guidance and seeding.
Matrix by dusborne
Set 1
101 - gd90-03-24s1t01 - Let The Good Times Roll ->
102 - gd90-03-24s1t02 - Help On The Way ->
103 - gd90-03-24s1t03 - Slipknot! ->
104 - gd90-03-24s1t04 - Franklin's Tower
105 - gd90-03-24s1t05 - Walkin' Blues
106 - gd90-03-24s1t06 - Loser
107 - gd90-03-24s1t07 - Desolation Row
108 - gd90-03-24s1t08 - Tennessee Jed ->
109 - gd90-03-24s1t09 - One More Saturday Night
Set 2
201 - gd90-03-24s2t01 - Tuning
202 - gd90-03-24s2t02 - Playing In The Band ->
203 - gd90-03-24s2t03 - Uncle John's Band ->
204 - gd90-03-24s2t04 - Terrapin Station ->
205 - gd90-03-24s2t05 - Mind Left Body Jam ->
206 - gd90-03-24s2t06 - Drums ->
207 - gd90-03-24s2t07 - Space ->
208 - gd90-03-24s2t08 - The Wheel ->
209 - gd90-03-24s2t09 - All Along The Watchtower ->
210 - gd90-03-24s2t10 - Stella Blue ->
211 - gd90-03-24s2t11 - Not Fade Away
212 - gd90-03-24s2t12 - And We Bid You Good Night
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be stripped,
however audio data will remain unaffected.
If you must transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
Dave Usborne 02-17-2014
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: