This is a tagged version of shnid: 95493
Grateful Dead
Nassau Coliseum
Uniondale, NY
March 28, 1990
SBD + AUD Matrix
Disc 1
01 [05.23] Tuning
02 [06.23] Cold Rain And Snow
03 [08.20] Minglewood Blues
04 [06.37] Easy To Love You
05 [07.10] High Time
06 [07.16] Queen Jane
07 [06.00] Loose Lucy
08 [06.06] Cassidy
09 [08.16] Deal
TT [61.33]
Disc 2
01 [01.03] Tuning
02 [10.14] Foolish Heart >
03 [08.10] Looks Like Rain
04 [05.50] Cumberland Blues
05 [05.37] The Weight
06 [07.18] Hey Pocky Way >
07 [11.07] Drums >
TT [49.20]
Disc 3
01 [08.45] Space >
02 [07.10] The Other One >
03 [10.52] Wharf Rat >
04 [07.29] Good Lovin'
05 [02.51] Crowd Cheer
05 [04.54] Revolution
TT [42.02]
Source Info
SBD (ShnID = 87643)
Recording Info: SBD > DAT > Cassette Master (TDK MA-R90)
Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1) > Apogee MiniMe
(24bit/48k) > Samplitude Professional v9.11 > FLAC/16
Patch Info: Schoeps CMC4/MK4 > DAT (shnid=28381) supplies:
Drums (9:39 - 9:55)
Transfers By Charlie Miller - October 10, 2007
AUD (ShnID = 28381)
Recording Info: (FOB) Schoeps CMC4/MK4 (ORTF) > Oade Cap Coupled
Supply > DAT (Panasonic SV250/48k) > DAT (Cloned From Master)
Transfer Info: DAT (Sony R500) > SEK'D Prodif Plus > Samplitude
v7.02 Professional > SHN
Recorded By Ted Mattes, Transferred By Charlie Miller - 2/25/05
Thanks to all the hard work from the folks mentioned above with
their loving care getting these sources out.
Notes on the Source Material
SBD (ShnID = 87643)
Another flawless transfer by Charlie Miller. The cassette master
SBD has a bit more hiss than most. It was also missing just about
all the between song crowd/tuning and actually clipped a milli-
second or so off the very beginning of a few songs in set 1.
Charlie did a good job crossfading what crowd there was to make
a more natural song to song transition. This made it difficult
for me to patch these cuts with the AUD but it isn't too bad.
AUD1 (ShnID = 31211)
Ted Mattes made a spectacular FOB. Full, rich and dynamic with
everyone nicely in the mix and a good feel for the room and the vibe.
Tech Notes
FLAC decoded and Wavemerge was used to reassemble the entire
show back to 1 long wave. CEP2.0 was used to align & synch all
of the sources. CEP2.0 was used for the multitrack mixdown.
This is a 60%-SBD, 40%-AUD mix.
- Mixed by
- FLAC conversion done 04-OCT-2008
- Artwork at 300dpi by
- For best results print at the highest resolution onto glossy
photo paper. Design for use in a clear, slim double CD case.
Multitrack Mixdown Settings
Stereo Matrix
SBD -2db
AUD -7db
The entire show is seamless and can be burned in any config that
you want and can be played back in its entirety from start to
finish without interruption.
The SBD had an unusually apparent analog hiss for a cassette
master. I was able to successfully reduce this by applying a very
narrow high frequency notch filter. I then took that same
frequency range from the AUD source and patched it into the SBD
by mixing the 2 sources together. The results were very nice and
that analog hiss is now inaudible and the SBD still has a full
frequency range.
d1t01 "Tuning" the SBD source started very abruptly. This was
fixed with a lead in patch from the AUD source and a crossfade
to the SBD source.
d1t02 - d1t09 Just about all the between song crowd was missing
and actually clipped a milli-second or so off the very beginning
of a few songs in set 1. I patched these missing portions with
the AUD source and crossfaded back to the SBD right at the
point the song starts. In most cases this is completely inaudible
but a couple of these patches and transistions can be heard.
d3t01 "Space" there is a tape flip and is missing approx 15 secs.
This was patched using entirely the AUD source.
Jerry Garcia (guitar, vocals)
Bob Weir (guitar, vocals)
Phil Lesh (bass)
Brent Mydland (keyboards, vocals)
Mickey Hart (drums, percussion)
Bill Kreutzmann (drums, percussion)
Additional Formats
This show is available in the following formats:
1. The SBD and AUD sources listed above at 16/44
2. CD-Audio Stereo SBD+AUD Matrix Mix at 16/44
3. CD-Audio 5.1 Surround Sound DTS-Audio-CD at 16/44
4. DVD-Audio Stereo SBD+AUD Matrix Mix at 24/44
5. DVD-Audio 5.1 Surround Sound at 16/44 (6 channel x 16/44)
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be stripped,
however audio data will remain unaffected.
If you must transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
A Mills 8/21/13
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: