Grateful Dead
California University, Dominguez Hills
Carson, CA
Conversion: EAC(secure)>CD WAV>Cool Edit Pro>SHN(seekable)
CD 1 {75:38.65}
01. Let The Good Times Roll {4:25.07}
02. The Race Is On {4:01.37}
03. Help On The Way-> {3:13.06}
04. Slipknot!-> {5:00.07}
05. Franklin's Tower {11:23.32}
06. Queen Jane Approximately {6:18.06}
07. Loser {9:28.22}
08. Me And My Uncle-> {2:51.14}
09. Mexicali Blues {6:21.33}
10. Loose Lucy {10:36.46}
11. One More Saturday Night {5:22.59}
12. Touch Of Grey* {6:37.21}
CD 2 {74:48.66}
01. Truckin'-> {7:48.28}
02. Crazy Fingers-> {8:13.04}
03. Playing In The Band-> {9:17.65}
04. Uncle John's Band-> {10:47.73}
05. Drums-> {7:50.07}
06. Space-> {6:36.09}
07. I Need A Miracle-> {3:34.53}
08. Dear Mr. Fantasy-> {7:03.73}
09. Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad-> {6:37.25}
10. Around And Around {6:59.29}
* ENCORE is at the end of disk # 1 and is from the FM source.
COMMENTS: D1t05 (Franklin's Tower) drop out @ 3:53 removed.
Conversion/Edit/Seeded to Etree by T. Wiley 8/24/2002.
EAC: Secure to extract both disks @ 100% quality no reported errors.
CD WAV: To select tracks.
Cool Edit Pro: Used only on tracks noted above. See comments.
SHN: Via mkwact(seekable)
Another Installment Of The Music Never Stopped Project!
Thanks to Paul B. for the source disks.