This is a tagged version of shnid: 138036

Grateful Dead

Thursday, September 20, 1990

Madison Square Garden,

New York, NY

2 source matrix:

shnid: 108849
SBD -> Dat
Transfer Info:
Dat -> Samplitude Professional v11.1 -> FLAC
(3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC)
All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
July 10, 2010

shnid: 88970

Ambient Recording by Ted Darian
Tapers From Hell - A Journey to the Impact Zone

B&K 4011's ORTF-> ProLink cable-> Neumann p48v-> Sony TCD-D10 DAT 48khz line-in wide
open Mics on stand at 6'+

transfer and edit notes:
Tascam DA20mkII 48k DAT master> Tascam CDRW700 with Marigo Audio Labs coaxial spdif cable,
with dither to 44.1khz, on-the-fly, by the Tascam 700
CDR master transfer by Mike French (TFH), in apprx. 2002
compiled for FLAC by Mike French, on 2007-11-28

Matrix done in Audacity 2.0.6
-re-tracked, aligned, speed adjustment, fades,
normalized & flac 16 (level 8)

Checksums & tags in xACT

March 20, 2017

--Set I--
101 - tuning
102 - Feel Like A Stranger
103 - Althea
104 - It's All Over Now

105 - tuning
106 - Ramble On Rose
107 - El Paso
108 - Brown Eyed Women
109 - Greatest Story Ever Told
110 - U.S. Blues

--Set II--
201 - tuning
202 - Truckin' ->
203 - China Cat Sunflower ->
204 - I Know You Rider ->
205 - Man Smart (Women Smarter) ->
206 - Drums ->
207 - Space ->
208 - Dark Star ->
209 - Playing In The Band (Reprise) ->
210 - Dark Star ->
211 - Throwing Stones ->
212 - Touch Of Grey
213 - encore break

214 - Turn On Your Lovelight

last "El Paso": 04-03-89 [113]

last "Playin Reprise": 07-04-89 [92]


Tagging notes:

Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.

It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.

If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be stripped,

however audio data will remain unaffected.
If you must
transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.

Use ffp or st5 to validate audio integrity.

Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
(J.Noel 20 March 2017)
