This is a tagged version of shnid: 100910
Grateful Dead
Madison Square Garden
New York, NY
September 16, 1991
SBD + AUD Matrix Mix
(65%-SBD, 35%-AUD)
Set 1 - Disc 1
01 [05:10] Crowd and Tuning
02 [08:40] Feel Like A Stranger
03 [05:53] Bertha
04 [08:10] Minglewood Blues
05 [06:07] Must Have Been The Roses
06 [04:20] Dire Wolf
07 [07:45] Queen Jane
08 [10:04] West LA Fadeaway
09 [08:17] Music Never Stopped
10 [03:15] Don't Ease
TT [69:44]
Set 2 - Disc 2
01 [00:54] Crowd and Tuning
02 [08:39] Mississippi 1/2 Step >
03 [07:39] St Of Circumstance >
04 [08:48] Comes A Time >
05 [14:48] Uncle John's Band >
06 [11:19] Drums >
TT [52:08]
Set 2 - Disc 3
01 [13:51] Space >
02 [07:58] Goin' Down The Road >
03 [05:17] Attics Of My Life >
04 [10:35] Good Lovin'
05 [04:38] Johnny B. Goode
TT [42:19]
Full Show
TT [2hr:44min:07sec]
Source Info
SBD (shnID = 525)
SBD > DAT > CD > EAC > SHN; Via A. Kowalski
AUD (shnID = 97389)
FOB Digital Audience Recording
The James Young & Clay Brennecke FOB Vault -
Lineage: Master DAT
Recording Equipment: B&K 4011 110 ORTF > Neumann BS 48i-2 >
Modified Sony TCD D-10 Pro
Recording Location: FOB
Recorded By: James Young and Clay Brennecke
Transfer: 16/48k DAT Master > TASCAM DA-20 (SPDIF out) >
LynxTWO-B Audio Reference Interface (SPDIF in) > Wavelab 6.0
by Todd Evans ( November 9, 2008
Editing and Mastering: Jamie Waddell (
Weiss Saracon for 16 BIT 44.1kHz SRC and POWR-3 Dither
Encoding by Dazed64. Tracked in CDwave, FLAC Frontend level 8
Tag & Rename for FLAC Meta-Tagging.
A **GEMS** Production
Patch Info - 10 seconds of Bertha
AUD (shnID = 94246)
Sennheiser ME-80 > Technics SV-MD1 DAT Master > Tascam DA-30 >
Sound Devices 702 > Wavelab 5(Fades, Sample Rate Conversion) >
CDWAV > FLAC Recorded/Transferred/Uploaded Keith Litzenberger
Special Thanks
Many thanks to James Young and Clay Brennecke for their wonderful
recording. Thanks to A. Kowalski for their transfer on the SBD
source. Thanks to Keith Litzenberger for another excellent AUD
used for the patch in Bertha. And thanks to both Jamie Waddell
and Todd Evens for their pristine transfers and excellent editing
mastering on the FOB.
Notes on the Source Material
SBD (shnID = 525)
It is shocking that this is still the only shnID for this show
as it is so old. However, it is likely until now, a better source
could not be located. It is noted that this source, like all in
circulation, has a small amount of digi-fuzz and a dropout at
the start of Bertha. My original DAT had the same problem so I
belive that is indeed true.
This is another strange 1991 SBD. Let me explain. Quite a few
digital SBD's for the 1991 year are in circulation. I am sure
some of you have noticed a sorta strange sound quality to them.
What makes them sound they way they do is unknown to me. I'd
call them too digital. They tip-toe along the edge of blurry.
If I had to guess I would think a portable DAT deck was being fed
an analog signal into the line in. And although the levels were
set appropriately the deck was overloaded by 'too hot' a feed
from the SBD.
AUD (shnID = 97389)
Nice and well balanced FOB. This upfront FOB grabs quite a bit
of the sound from the PA with just enough atmosphere you like for
making a matrix mix. While it doesn't completely fix the strange
"digitally" sound of the SBD it does help quite a bit.
Tech Notes
FLACs decoded and Wavemerge was used to reassemble the entire
show back to 1 long wave. CEP2.0 was used to align & synch all
of the sources. CEP2.0 was used for the multitrack mixdown.
This is a 65%-SBD, 35%-AUD mix.
- Mixed by
- FLACs created 07-JUNE-2009
- Artwork by 300dpi - For best results
print at the highest resolution onto glossy photo paper.
Design for use with a clear, slim, double CD case.
Multitrack Mixdown Stereo
525_SBD -3db
97389_AUD -7db
Entire show (and all disc changes) are seamless and can be
played start to finish without inturruption.
d1t01 "Tuning" Is mostly from the AUD source. Crossfades
to the SBD just a few seconds before the first song.
d1t03 "Bertha" Small amount of Dig Fuzz was patch using a
matrix mix of shnID 97389 & 94246. This was then EQed,
levels adjusted and crossfaded with the SBD to make the
source change transistion as smooth as possible. This
patch came out excellent and is in no way distracting.
Jerry Garcia (guitar, vocals)
Bob Weir (guitar, vocals)
Phil Lesh (bass)
Vince Welnick (keyboards, vocals)
Bruce Hornsby (grand piano, according, vocals)
Mickey Hart (drums, percussions)
Bill Kreutzmann (drums, percussions)
Additional Formats
This show is available in the following formats:
1. The SBD both AUD sources listed above at 16/44
2. CD-Audio Stereo SBD+AUD Matrix Mix at 16/44
3. CD-Audio 5.1 Surround Sound DTS-Audio-CD at 16/44
4. DVD-Audio Stereo SBD+AUD Matrix Mix at 24/48
5. DVD-Audio 5.1 Surround Sound at 16/44 (6 channel x 16/44)
Tagging notes:
Show information is embedded within the header of each flac file.
It will display on any player capable of directly playing flac files.
If converted to wav during processing, all tags will be stripped,
however audio data will remain unaffected.
If you must transcode to a lossy format, do so directly Flac > Lossy.
Use ffp to validate audio integrity.
Md5 values will change if tagging is altered.
A Mills 8/21/13
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: