The Grateful Dead
Knickerbocker Arena
Albany, NY
Source: 2x Senn ME88s (stand, OTS) > TCD-D3 > line out > TC-D5 (Dolby B) taped by Dan Rogosa
Transfer: MC (MX-90, 100) > Nak CR-7A (no Dolby) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6 MHz) > EZ CD Audio Converter > PCM @ 2496
Master: Wavelab 11 (pitch correction, levels, DDI Codec (Dolby B @ -32.5 dBFS), patch, EQ) > FLAC 2496
Thanks to Dan for taping and Charlie Miller for facilitating
Set I
01. Bertha
02. New Minglewood Blues
03. Row Jimmy
04. Queen Jane Approximately
05. Dire Wolf
07. Loose Lucy
08. The Music Never Stopped
Set II
09. Foolish Heart >
10. Playing In The Band >
11. Uncle John's Band >
12. Playing In The Band >
13. Drums >
14. Space >
15. I Need A Miracle >
16. Wharf Rat >
17. Around
18. crowd
19. The Mighty Quinn
This file set is from Dan Rogosa's master cassettes, with a short patch in space from his DAT recording from the same mics, SHNID # 165914. The audio has been pitch corrected to match the DAT.
The cassettes had a strange quirk: side A lacked treble and sounds muddy and distant compared to side B. After several transfers using different decks and azimuth adjustments, we concluded that this is just how the recordings are. Ozone EQ was used to brighten up the first side of each tape, but the sound quality changes noticeably after Dire Wolf and during Space.
--mhg :: 2023-10-09