Grateful Dead
Boston Garden
Boston, MA
FRESH LEGS, VOL. 6 (Matrix)
Source 1: SBD (shnid=28788)
Recording Info:
SBD -> Master Dat (48k)
Transfer Info:
Dat (Sony 500) -> Behringer UltraMatch SRC2000 ->
SEK'D Prodif Plus -> Samplitude v7.02 Professional -> FLAC
Transferred and Edited By Charlie Miller
Source 2: AUD (shnid=112782)
Taper: Baker
Master Audience: Nakamichi CM300/CP4 Shotguns > Sony D5
Transfer: Keo
Maxell Metal Capsule's 100,100 > Nakamichi MR-1 > Korg MR-1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6 MHz
Source 3: AUD (shnid=87812 / shnid=13990)
Source: Neumann km 82i > Sonosax SX-PR power supply > Sony TCD D10 PRO II DAT x1
Recorded by Jim Birkhead / Taper Section, left of SBD
Cloned (January 1997): Casio DA-7 > Panasonic SV-3700
Transfer: Panasonic SV-3700 > M-Audio Audiophile 2496 to 48 khz Wavelab 5.0
Mastering with iZotope Ozone 3 > dithered to 44.1 khz > CDWAV1.9 > FLAC (level 8).
Transferred, Remastered by Bill Koucky
Seeded by Green Mountain Bros. October 23, 2007
The first four tracks of shnid=87812 are patched from shnid=13990:
Source: Schoeps (unknown model/ps) > D7 @48k
Transfer: 48k DAT clone> Sony PCM-R300 > Monster SPDIF digital cable > RMEdigi96/8PAD > SoundForge 6.0 (rec, 48>44 highest setting with anti-alias filter) > CDWav (splits) > mkw > shn (seekable)
SHNtool used verify track boundaries prior to wav>shn
Transfered by Marc Pujol 12/08/2002
Source DAT from Dave Minor via Matt Vernon
Set 1:
d1t01 - [crowd]
d1t02 - Jack Straw
d1t03 - Althea
d1t04 - Walkin' Blues
d1t05 - High Time
d1t06 - Me & My Uncle* >
d1t07 - Maggie's Farm*
d1t08 - Lazy River Road
d1t09 - [tuning]
d1t10 - Easy Answers >
d1t11 - Don't Ease Me In
Set 2:
d1t12 - [tuning]
d1t13 - Iko Iko
d2t01 - Saint of Circumstance >
d2t02 - Ship of Fools
d2t03 - Truckin' >
d2t04 - Drums >
d2t05 - Space >
d2t06 - I Need A Miracle >
d2t07 - Standing On the Moon
d2t08 - [crowd]
d2t09 - Rain
* = Weir on acoustic
General Notes:
- Thanks go to everyone who worked on and made available the sources used in th is matrix. Obviously, this project would have been impossible without their prior efforts.
- This matrix fulfills a request by Matthew Robichaud. This was his first show. It definitely has its moments. The highlight (which arguably makes it a worthy addition to any collection) is the "Standing On the Moon." It may not be the best SOTM they ever played, but it's got to be up there.
Source Notes:
- Both sets are seamless. The transition between discs is seamless.
- The Keo AUD is missing a small section of "Space," as well as parts of crowd-noise between (a) "Maggie's Farm" and "Lazy River Road" and (b) prior to the encore.
Technical Notes:
- The sources were remastered and mixed in Logic Pro 9. Clean-up was done using iZotope RX 3 Advanced. The sets were split in WaveLab LE 7. SBE's were fixed using Trader's Little Helper.
- I speed- and pitch-corrected the AUD sources using the iZotope Radius algorithm. Fine-tune syncing was done in Logic Pro 9.
- The Keo source, though I like the sound, is overblown, so I ran it through iZotope RX 3's Declip function subsequent to speed-correcting it.
Roger Eichorn
October 16, 2013
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: