The Grateful Dead
Riverport Amphitheatre
Maryland Heights, Missouri
July 26, 1994
Master Audience Recorded By Mr. Darby
AKG451EB/CK1's (DIN/DFC/First 1/4 Of OTS/9 Feet High)>
Whirlwind Phantoms>Teac DA-P20 @ 16/48
Transfer Information:Sony R500>Tascam HD-P2 @ 16/48>
HDD>Amadeus Pro (Tracking/Fades/FLAC8)
Tracks Renamed/Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename By Keo
Set 1:
02.Jack Straw
03.Friend Of The Devil
04.Little Red Rooster
05.Lazy River Road
06.Queen Jane Approximately *
07.Tennessee Jed
08.Childhood's End
09.Easy Answers>
10.Deal, Set Break
Set 2:
12.China Cat Sunflower>
13.I Know You Rider
14.Victim Or The Crime>
15.Samba In The Rain
16.Ship Of Fools
17.Estimated Prophet>
20.The Wheel>
21.Attics Of My Life>
22.Sugar Magnolia>
23.Sunshine Daydream, Encore Break
24.I Fought The Law
* Bob Weir On Acoustic Guitar *
Comments:And another Huge Thanks out to Mr. Darby
for recording and sharing his source for this GD
1994 summer show!Another fantastic recording from
the Darby collection!Mr. Darby has a second set of
master tapes from cassettes to share down the line!
As always ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!