Grateful Dead
Las Vegas, Nevada
Sam Boyd Silver Bowl
Source: Audience(FOB right in front of soundboard):Schoeps MK-4's>Schoeps Pre-amp>
Transfer: DAT>ZA2(S/PDIF)>Samplitude>CD-r (or shn)
Set 1
Disc 1
1. Picasso Moon
2. Friend Of The Devil
3. Wang Dang Doodle
4. Althea
5. Queen Jane Approximately
6. Deal
Set 2 (44.1kHz)
Disc 2
1. Here Comes Sunshine
2. Way To Go Home
3. Playin' In The Band -->
4. Uncle John's Band -->
5. Drums...
Disc 3
1. ...Space -->
2. Easy Answers
3. Standing On The Moon -->
4. Around and Around
5. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
-This is the best audience of this show I've heard. All band members are audible!
-Minor level adjustments at the beginning of Picasso Moon
-Very slight static in Althea- .183 seconds
Show recorded by Dan Sisler
Tapes provided by Kevin Hoffman
Transfer by Chris Larson -
NOTE: there are sbe's on the last track of disc 1 and disc 3 which shouldn't have any detrimental impact on the sound. there are also non-canonical headers on all tracks which should not affect the audio quality of these when burnt to disc, but will show up as an error on shntool under the wav heading - if this really bothers you, you can STRIP the wav's with shntool before burning to cdr - Chris Ladner.