Jam Session 85-0430
April 30, 1985 Lone Star Cafe, NYC
Jerry Gonzalez tp, perc; Scott Brown kbd on b., d.; Jimmy Page (g) on d.;
Kenny (Quinn?) g, voc on f.~j.; Jaco Pastorius b, kbd;
Hugh "Fuma" Peterson? dr
a. Blues For Louise INC 4:54
b. Dolphin Dance 9:38
c. Dania 6:32
d. Fannie Mae - Why I Sing the Blues INC 19:54
e. America 1:06
f. Lonely Avenue 5:41
g. Purple Haze - 3:00
h. Sing a Simple Song - 0:45
i. Jams - 1:06
j. Turn On Your Love Light - 2:13
k. perc. solo 4:45
Private Tape/soundboard 70'
[N] a. Pastorius kbd.
[N] Pastorius kbd on part of d.