This is a t-flac version of 23227. Shn > t-flac by MikeA using xAct.
Legion of Mary
Pitchell Players Cabaret
Los Angeles, CA
Early show: SBD>?>C>D>WAV>SHN.
Late show: AUD(unknown mic/taper)>?>C>D>WAV>SHN.
Cassette>DAT transfer: Nakamichi DR-2 cassette deck>Tascam DA-30 Mk II by Jim Powell.
DAT>SHN transfer: Sony PCM-R500 > coaxial S/PIDF > M Audio Audiophile 2496/P4 2.0 GHz > WAV recording/editing (Soundforge 6.0) > tracking (CDWave editor)>sector boundaries confirmed (shntool) > SHN (mkwact) via Chris Ladner.
Disc 1 - Early Show
01 Let It Rock [10:08]
02 Boogie On Reggae Woman [19:44]
03 Going, Going, Gone [17:51]
04 Finders Keepers [14:19]
05 Last Train From Poor Valley [11:31]
Total time: 73:34
Disc 2 - Early Show (cont'd)
01 Mystery Train [16:12]
Late show
02 Harder They Come [18:34]
03 Wondering Why > [23:57]
04 People Make The World Go Round [04:05]
05 Neighbor, Neighbor [12:29]
Total time: 75:19
Disc 3 - Late Show (cont'd)
01 I Feel Like Dynamite [14:07]
02 Night They Drove Old Dixie Down [08:06]
03 How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You) [07:32]
Total time: 29:46
Comments: Early show recording is of relatively poor audio quality with hiss and tape warble, however this is the only known source to circulate. I am not entirely convinced that it is a SBD as I can hear people talking between songs, but it is at a very low level. I applied a - 1.0 semitone pitch transposition to the early show using SF6. The late show has more low end and sounds in stereo compared to the previously circulated source which to my listening is a mono recording. Also I don't think this source has the cut in Wondering Why.
misSHN in the rain, 4/04.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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