Legion of Mary
Tower Theater; Upper Darby, PA
4/11/75 Early and Late

A:R > R > C > D > CDx1 > EAC > SHN

S:R > R > D > CDx1 > EAC > SHN supplies
Tore Up Over You, Favela, Feel Like Dynamite,
I'll Take a Melody and How Sweet It Is.

DAT > CD transfer (Sony PCM R500 > HHB 800)
by AJL. Extraction, slight retracking,
and .shn encoding using EAC, WavMerge and
CD Wave, and mkwACT by jupillej@mediaone.net.
Proper sector boundaries verified using shntool.

Disc One (6) 65:48
Early Show
1. Tore Up Over You [11:48] [2:21]
2. Favela [10:07] [1:09]
3. Feel Like Dynamite [11:30] [0:18]
4. Last Train from Poor Valley [8:55] [0:01]
5. Tough Mama// [8:17#] [0:01]
6. Mystery Train [11:05] [0:12]

Disc Two (6) 72:46
Early Show (con't)
1. Expressway [11:30] ->
2. People Make the World Go Round [4:24] [0:12]
3. Second That Emotion [15:10] [0:02]
4. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down// [8:13#][0:01]
Late Show
5. //Harder They Come [19:11#] [0:09]
6. You Can Leave Your Hat On [13:41] [0:10]

Disc Three (7) 71:29
Late Show (con't)
1. Soul Roach [9:31] [0:11]
2. Wicked Messenger [9:16] [0:10]
3. Money Honey [8:40] [0:06]
4. //Mississippi Moon// [8:02#] [0:14]
5. Boogie on Reggae Woman [14:24] [2:02]
6. I'll Take a Melody [9:28] [0:49]
7. How Sweet It Is [8:26] [0:09]

d1t01 Tore Up cuts in, first few notes missing (about 5 seconds) patched in from aud source by Sean Cribbs using Sound Forge 4.5
d1t01 Tore Up gap @ 0:17-0:21
d1t01 Tore Up drop & click @ 11:47
d1t03 Favela is nice and fast!
d1t04 Last Train static/small drops @ 5:49-5:52
d1t04 Last Train L channel out @ 7:48-8:00
d1t04 Last Train last few reverberations clipped
d1t06 Mystery Train noise (analog?) @ 3:35
d2t04 Dixie tiny clip @ start
d2t04 Dixie cuts out (< 1 minute missing?)
d2t04-05 chirp @ track marker
d2t05 Harder They Come cuts in (<10 seconds missing?)
d2t06 Leave Your Hat On digi-static @ 8:35, 8:43, 8:44
d3t04 Mississippi Moon cuts in, first few notes missing
d3t04 Mississippi Moon light static first few minutes
d3t04 Mississippi Moon digi-static @ 4:28-4:29, 7:11
d3t05 BORW source tape over-saturation @ 0:31