This is a flac encoded & tagged version of shnid: 13410
Jerry Garcia Band
August 7, 1984
The Mann Music Center - Philadelphia, PA
Source: Ficca FOB 10th row center Sony TCD5M with 2 Beyer Dynamic 160's
-> Sony CDR-W66 -> EAC -> CDWave -> SHN
Disc #1
Set 1
1.I'll Take a Melody
2.Get Out My Life Woman
3.Run For the Roses
4.Like a Road
Disc #2
Set 2
1.Cats Down Under the Stars
2.Second That Emotion
3.Mississippi Moon
4.Dear Prudence
6.Midnight Moonlight
e.How Sweet it Is
Master Tapes by Ficca
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: