Jerry Garcia Band
The Stone
San Francisco, Ca
August 4, 1985
Taper: Charlie Connor
MAC (John Corley's disassembled Nak 700s clipped to brim of
hat for stealth [20' from stage, first row of tables, dead center] >
Sony TCD5M [3rd deck patch]) > Nak DR-10 (Playback) >
Midiman Flying Cow 24bit/48kHz A/D > RME Digi96/8 >
Steinberg's Wavelab 3.0 (bit resolution & resampling to
CDR redbook 16/44.1 > CDWav beta1.6 (tracking only) >
Correct Sector Boundaries verified with Shntool
Analog and Digital Mastering by Charlie Connor
Shn'ed, Vined (to Cdead) and seeded to fungus and abgd August 1, 2002
Happy B-day Jer, Missing You.
Requires an 80 minute disc
First Set
1. I'll Take A Melody
2. Sugaree
3. Simple Twist Of Fate>
4. Deal
Second Set
5. //Cats Under The Stars>
6. Gomorrah
7. Reuben And Cherise>
8. Midnight Moonlight
Intermittent left channel static (most likely due
to a loose patchcord) on d1t01 and d1t04 repaired as
best as possible but still noticeable in spots.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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