Jerry Garcia, David Grisman, Joe Craven, Jim Kerwin - "Grateful Dawg"
Birthday and Christmas Party for Village Music owner John Goddard
December 17, 1990 (1990-12-17)
Mill Valley, California
EX+ stereo SBD 48kHz Dat master first rip by grner1 - 2023-05-17: Panasonic SV-3700 (S/PDIF digital output) > Zen Go Synergy Core interface > Pro Tools (normalize, minor seamless fixes and tracking on sector boundaries - no EQ or noise reduction) > 16/48 .wav files > xACT (tagged Flac level 8 files).
The applause at the end of Dawg's Waltz up until the first 18 seconds of Russian Lullaby were missing from this SBD and were spliced in from an alternate closely recorded audience source. The smooth splice is almost undetectable other than the applause being a bit louder in the mix at the end of Dawg's Waltz. The transition back to the soundboard source is extremely seamless and very satisfactory. These are 16/48 files and must be converted to burn to audio CDRs.
01 intro 2:31
02 The Thrill Is Gone 6:31
03 When First Unto This Country 4:08
04 talk 0:17
05 Grateful Dawg 4:27
06 Spring In California 4:04
07 Off To Sea Once More 5:53
08 So What? 7:33
09 Two Soldiers 5:23
10 talk 0:37
11 Dawg's Waltz 4:56
12 Russian Lullaby 6:51
13 final thanks and applause 0:37
total time - 53:48
Jerry Garcia - acoustic guitar, vocals
David Grisman - mandolin
Joe Craven - fiddle, percussion
Jim Kerwin - bass
Notes: This was the first public performance of this band. I don't think that this soundboard Dat source has circulated before because it was split between two partially labeled Dat tapes that belonged to the Sweetwater sound man which I've had for over 20 years. Other recordings of this set that circulate seem to be audience sources, despite sometimes being incorrectly identified as being SBD. There is also a not very good quality audience video that you can find on YouTube and I think that is what has also been shared on Dime more than once.
Thanks to David Hardy for the mix and source tapes. Also thanks to the owner of Sweetwater Jeannie Paterson and to John Goddard for putting together this show. The other bands that appeared were The Fairfield Four and Bobby King & Terry Evans.
See this web page for more about John Goddard and Village Music:
And please support the artists and live venues any way that you can. Enjoy and SHARE!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: