Jimmy Cliff and Oneness
October 28, 1989 saturday
Live in the B.U.T.
Belly-Up Tavern
Solana Beach, CA
Analog Ambient Master by Moke
Tapers From Hell: A Journey to the Impact Zone
A solo effort by Moke (running two decks, and as HRTF mic stand)
=> => => This is the NO DOLBY PLAYBACK VERSION of this recording <= <= <=
There is also a low level snail-mail circulation of this recording with dolby c playback -> teac cdr-something, from an audio transfer from many years past.
This is a superior version to that one mentioned.
Sennheiser MKE2002 omni's(x2) HRTF (head baffled omni's) -> Sony TC-D5M -> Sony WM-D6C "C" n.r. on master
From directly in front of the soundboard, with my back to the sbd. Seated on bar stool in elevated area over dance floor, and centered to the overhead pa system in front of the sbd., on the right side of the dance floor. This is "the spot" for the B.U.T.
To the digital realm:
Sony TC-D5M w/ master cassette (Maxell MX90), no dolby playback => Tascam DVRA1000 DSD master audio recorder in 24/96 PCM record mode.
Transferred 12-31-05/01-01-06 by Moke
Master 24/96 disc files imported to Mac G4 10.4 Tiger
Files split, edited, fades, etc. via Sound Studios 2.2.4
FLAC by xACT at 8
For the 16bit resample version:
Master 24/96 files resampled in S.S. 2.2.4 to 16/44.1, and split and saved.
SBE fixed, confirmed, and log included to folder. By xACT
tracks for 24/96 (not necessarily proper song names):
01) 8< By the Rivers of Babylon
02) Soar Like an Eagle
03) We Are the Same Person (?)
04) Reggae Down Babylon
05) Keep up the Pressure
06) Hit Them With Music
07) Ever Livin Love
08) Treat the Youth Right
09) Rub-a Dub
10) 8< Feel It In My Soul (hard cut at start (tape flip of two decks))
11) Trapped
12) Nuclear War
13) Save Our Planet Earth
~14) Many Rivers To Cross
~15) Wonderful World, Beautiful People
~16) Rebel in Me
~17) You Can Get It If You Really Want
(~14+ = disc 2.2 split point for the 16/44.1 disc. 14 = d2t01 for CD)
t.01) 8< .... established sbd patch was turned off at last second. So, last second rigging for mics caused the loss of the beginning of set.
Please bear with the bumps and bruises in this recording, as it is a stealth jobber.
Peace and wellness to you and yours