John Fahey - 1969
Venue Worcester PolyTech
City Worcester
State MA

1. Steamboat Gwine 'Round De Bend/Death of the Clayton Peacock/Worried Blues
2. The Voice of the Turtle
3. Owchita/Revolt of the Dyke Brigade /Requiem for MJ Hurt

Here's an early John Fahey show you don't see too often. I received this in trade, so don't know its lineage.
However, this is widely circulated by collectors, so if you already have a copy of this, this'll be the same as the one you already have.
It sounds like an audience recording to me. Sound is not good, but listenable. Quite a lot of hiss. I'll attach an MP3 sample. Fahey is quite playful and experimental here - a nearly 12 minute version of Voice Of The Turtle.

Howard (santadog99)