Broadcast tape > cdr > some editing > GIFT CDR > EAC > WAV > FLAC
The Johnny Cash Show
Johnny Cash
the Tennessee Three
Carl Perkins
The Statler Brothers
Mother Mabel Carter
The BBC Broadcast
"The Holy Land Concert"
Originally broadcast
Boxing Day 12/26/68
Come To The Wailing Wall
A Mother's Love
The Nazarene
He Turned The Water Into Wine
Send A Picture of Mother
Flowers On The Wall The Statler Brothers
How Great Tho Art The Statler Brothers
beautiful Words
Daddy Sang Bass Carl Perkins
the ten Commandments
Where Could I Go But To The Lord
I Saw The Light Carl Perkins
The Forth Man
Beautiful Star Of Bethlehem - Mother Mabel Carter
The Bell's Of Saint Mary's - Mother Mabel Carter
Sweeter Than The Flowers - Mother Mabel Carter
I Saw A Man
This Ol' House - The Statler Brothers
Old Time Religion
OK I have been holding out on you Dimer Cash fans... here is a special show that I thing is superb. Superb sound quality, however the person who edited this about 8 years ago now simply clipped all the files to the same audio level. I believe if I could locat the source tape now, a much better job could be done.
Cash and the whole late 1960's show in concert in England. Exact date unknown.. what was produced a wonder LIVE gospel show. This was done to promote Cash's THE HOLY LAND lp which had just been released. I believe June Carter Cash is missing as John Carter was either dur to be born or had arrived. Mother Mabel carter fills in.. a wonderful document of a performance by one of the First Family of Country Music!
Enjoy! More Cash to come in the near future... the Cash tape to CD project is underway!