Miles Davis

-In France Vol.11-

1986-07-13 (Aud.incomplete)
Festival de Jazz

TT: 92:16 mn
(48:42 + 43:34)


Miles Davis: Trumpet/keyb.
Roben Ford: Guitar
Bob Berg: Sax
Bobby Irving: Keyb.
Adam Holzman: Keyb.
Felton Crews: Bass
Vincent Wilburn: Drums
Steve Thornton: Perc.

CD 1
01: One Phone Call/Street Scenes
Speak 12:48
02: New Blues (Star People) 6:08
03: Maze 12:07
04: Human Nature 10:53
05: Portia 6:46
05_end 0:05

CD 2
01: Splatch 17:31
02: Time After Time 8:18
03: Carnival Time 4:45
04: Wrinkle 11:50
05: Burn (cut out) 2:00

CD1t05: cut at 4:33 (2")
CD2t05: cut out at 2:00
CD1t05_end is begining of 'Splash' with fade out

Missing: end of 'Burn' & 'Hopscotch'

Miles played 4 times at the 1986 Nice Festival
He was anounced the 12th-13th-16th-20th (but played the 15th in place of 12th)
Vol.12-13-14 will be 15th,16th & 20th

13th festival program included
Artwork included (ethiessen1)

