Medeski, Martin, and Wood 1996-05-02
Elbo Room, Chicago IL
source: FOB ORTF Neumann KM-140 > Beyerdynamic MV-100 > Sony D8 @ 44.1k
transfer: (2006-05-03) master DAT > Panasonic SV3700 > TC-Electronic Finalizer+ (bypass, electrical>optical) > MacBook > Amadeus 3.8.6
One Set
Disc 1:
1 intro
2 Macha >
3 Lifeblood >
4 Night Marchers
5 Jelly Belly >
7 band intros
8 Last Chance to Dance Trance
Disc 2:
9 Bubblehouse
10 Think
11 band intros
12 Crosstown Traffic
13 crowd
14 E: Chubb Subb
15 outro