October 5, 1996
Capitol Theatre
Port Chester, NY
Source: "BrenMix" Soundboard + Schoeps MK41 > DAT @ 16/48
Transfer: DAT/c > Sony PCM R300 > Tascam DR680 > Audacity > IzotopeRX > xACT(FLAC/TAG)
DiGiHoArDeRs: 11/12/2020
She Sends Me
Timmy Tucker
Bring You Down
Don't Fuck With Flo
St. Augustine >
Seat Of My Pants
Moth >
10/5/96 Capitol Theater - Port Chester, NY
co-headline with Medeski, Martin, and Wood
She Sends Me, Timmy Tucker, Bring You Down, Don't Fuck With Flo, Backwoods, Bearsong, St. Augustine > Linus and Lucy space > Seat Of My Pants, Moth* > Buster**
* With "Meat" and "CalifornIA" teases. ** With John Medeski on hammond organ.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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