Egyptian Room, Murat Theater - Indianapolis, IN
Source: AKG 481 > Lunatec V2 > HHb
Transfer: Tascam DA-30 MKII > Tascam DR-680 > Audacity > WAV > Traders Little Helper > FLAC
Taper Unknown
Transferred & Seeded by Bill Graves
~ Summer Sessions Tour ~
1. Drums >
2. St. Augustine
3. Waiting For The Punchline
4. Plane Crash
5. Sensory Deprivation Bank * >
6. Meat ^
*-w/Matt Abts (on the Drums), Michael Travis (Percussion) & Stanton Moore (Percussion)
^-w/Michael Travis (Percussion) & Rich Vogel (Keyboards)
About These Tapes:
These tapes were graciously donated to the project by John Joyce in 2021.
This show is a Boiler in the Basement Installment -