The Valarium
Knoxville, TN
Source: Soundfield SPS200 > Sound Devices 788t (24/48)
Location FOB, DFC, 7.5 ft
DSP: Sound Devices 788t > Wave Agent > Neundo 3 (sps200 szone vst, mixdown) > Wavelab 6 (fades, tracks, dither w/UV22 HR, resample) > FLAC v1.2.1 (L8) as build in TLH v2.6.0.(Build 168)
Recorded by: Daniel Kopp
Taped & Transferred by Daniel Kopp (
Tracking Help by Jesse Scott
Setlist by Osid Riley, Kahlil Katool and Jim Junky
//Please support artist by purchasing their albums, merch, and seeing their live shows. Also, tell your friends about them.//
Set I:
01. Bring You Down
02. Faker >(nh)
03. CalifornIA >
04. Assfinger
05. Four >
06. Interstellar Overdrive >
07. Yodelittle* >
08. Faker
Set II:
01. Intro/Tuning
02. Funky Reuben >(nh)
03. Billy Goat >
04. McBain >
05. Dr. Graffenberg
06. lylelovit.#
07. Lazarus > (nh)
08. Hector.'s Pillow >
09. Buster
10. Encore Break
11. Blue Eyed Son**
12. That Country Tune^
13. Queen Of Everything^ >
14. McBain^
* with Chuck. scatting on framptone
# LTP > 7/27/08
** w/ chuck. on acoustic guitar, rob. on acoustic bass, al. on mandolin
^ w/ chuck. on acoustic guitar, rob. on acoustic bass, al. on acoustic guitar
QOE was restarted after being flubbed