07/21/11 • Party in the Park • Rochester , NY
Set 1: She Sends Me > Deep This Time, It, Seat Of My Pants > Captain America, Haze > Wormwood > Okayalright
Set 2: Plane Crash > Water, Blue Eyed Son, McBain > Lazarus > Skrunk > McBain, Sensory Deprivation Bank
Encore: One Life, Spaz Medicin07/21/11 • Party in the Park • Rochester , NY
Set 1: She Sends Me > Deep This Time, It, Seat Of My Pants > Captain America, Haze >Wormwood > OkayalrightSet 2: Plane Crash > Water, Blue Eyed Son, McBain > Lazarus > Skrunk > McBain, Sensory Deprivation BankEncore: One Life, Spaz Medicinee