Summer Camp - Moonshine Stage
Chillicothe, IL

Source: Neumann AK40(DIN)>LC3KA>KM100>Lunatech ACM V3>Edirol R-44(24/48)
Location: FOB, DFC, 40' from stage, 8' high
Info: SDHC>PC>Wave Lab 6.0(levels, conversion)>CD Wave 1.98(tracks)>TLH (level 8)
Recorded, transfered, and seeded by: Rob O'Brien (robo)

Set 1:
01. Wind It Up
02. Big World>
03. Ricky Marten>
04. Californ IA>
05. Moth
06. Happy Hour Hero*
07. White Lightning>
08. George

Set 2:
01. The Road
02. Paper Dragon
03. Haze
04. Shoot First>
05. Meat
06. Billy Goat

07. Plane Crash

- * w/Warren Haynes on guitar
- Flacs tagged with Mp3tagger