The Independent
San Francisco CA
December 14, 2013 (Saturday)
Source: MG M300s (1 ft. stand, right center balcony) > SD 744T > WAVEs (24/44.1)
Transfer: SD 744T (FW) > Mac G5 Dual (Peak/xACT) > FLACs (level 8)
Recording and mastering by Michael Zelner
Set 1 (1:02:15)
1 Jingle Bells
2 Understand
3 Nebraska
4 Little Miss Cup Half Empty
5 Time Again
6 She >
7 32 Things
Set 2 (2:05:35)
1 Runaway Overlude >
2 Silent Night/Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring* >
3 Interstellar Overdrive >
4 It
5 Tom Sawyer
6 Blond Hair And Blue Eyes**
7 Faker >
8 Moth*** >
9 Drums >
10 Timmy Tucker
11 encore break
12 al.nnouncements
13 Rebubula
**first time played
***completion of Moth from 12/12/13
total time: 3:07:50
Set 1: 9:41 - 10:44
Set 2: 11:23 - 1:03
Encore: 1:05 - 1:28
Winter Tour 2013
Al Schnier - electric guitar, mandolin, Nord Stage 2 keyboard, vocals
Chuck Garvey - electric guitar, vocals
Rob Derhak - electric bass, vocals
Vinnie Amico - drums
Jim Loughlin - percussion, acoustic guitar, vocals
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: