Crossroads Kansas City
Kansas City, MO
source: CA-14 Omnis direct behind soundboard > 9100 > Sony PCM-10 > Audacity (amp) > Brian V (tracking)> cdwave (split) TLH (FLAC)
recorded by Sam Darrow
big thanks to Brian V. for tracking and setlist information
around the 1:39 mark in "Haze" some drunk guy took it upon himself to come up to me and knock my stand over and ask me what kind of mics i run.
I luckily caught it with my left hand, you will notice the sound difference for about 2 seconds.
one set
01 Intro
02 Happy Hour Hero
03 Puebla>
04 Bullet
05 While Lightning Turpentine
06 Do or Die
07 Kyles Song>
08 Kids
09 Haze
10 Not Coming Down>
11 Wormwood>
12 Okayalright
13 Crowd
14 Crab Eyes