moe - January 19, 2017
Revolution Live Ft Lauderdale, FL
Pre Jam Cruise show

Source: Schoeps MK4V - vertical split ORTF(NOLA bar) just right of soundboard>KC5 actives>CMC6 bodies>Lunatec V3>S/Pdif>Tascam DR100MKii
SD card @24:48khz>Adobe Audition resample to 16:44.1khz, Fade in Fade Out and Compression>CDWav Tracking>
Trader's Little Helper (FLAC and ffp)

By:Sean Yockus

'Wind It Up' is one of my all time favorite moe. songs. I'm psyched they crushed it. For those who still like to burn cds for the car
the following track breaks work nicely. Otherwise for full show listening there are fade ins for Annihilation Blues and Defrost and
fade outs for The Road and Okayalright. Please enjoy this super tasty moe. show. I think that the 4Vs really captured the room ambience.
I plan to drive to Orlando this Friday, 1-27-17, to tape the Plaza Live show ; ) I'd love to do Jannus Landing on Thursday, but it's a
3.5 hour drive one way and I work Friday AM.

CD 1 requires an overburn but fits
Set 1
1)Annihilation Blues>
3)Big World
6)The Road>
8)The Road

CD 2
Set 2
2)Ed Time
3)Blue Eyed Son
5)The Ghost of Ralph's Mom

CD 3
1)Wind It Up>

3)Cosmik Debris *Zappa cover