The Paramount
Huntington, New York
Source: Schoeps CCM4V's>Lunatec V2>Benchmark AD2K>
Sound Devices 722 (24/44)
FOB/DRFC/KFC/ZFC/AARP 1st Set:35' From Stage,7' High 2nd Set: Clamped To Front Of Balcony
DSP: Sound Devices 722>Sound Forge 10.0>CD Wave>flac(16)
ID3 Tagged In Foobar 2000
Recorded By: Z-Man
Seeded By: Z-Man
Disc I 1st Set
01 Defrost >
02 Brent Black >
03 Drum Solo >
04 Brent Black
05 Lost Along The Way
06 Blue Jeans Pizza >
07 Bring It Back Home
08 Billy Goat >
09 Tailspin
Disc II 2nd Set
01 That Funky Monkey
02 Rainshine
03 Understand
04 Rob April 1st Banter
05 Time Ed >
06 Drum Solo >
07 Time Ed
08 She >
09 Sensory Deprivation Bank
Disc III 2nd Set Con't
01 George
02 Haze >
03 So Long
04 Alnouncements
05 Don't Wanna Be
06 New York City
* Show notes: The previous night, I was taping a show at American Beauty. I was clamped in a
tight spot where my bar was almost sideways, and I had my capsules rotated to capture the sound.
Recording came out very nice. Worked all day Saturday, then made it to moe with about 10 minutes
to spare. I clamped on Joel and hoisted up the mics. I totally forgot my capsules were not aligned.
Well, the 1st set sounds fair at best as I was not aimed properly and it sounds distant and you can
hear lots of chatter. I am uploading both sets ONLY because I waited to see if Joel or Michael would
upload their sources. Negative, so here is both sets. The second set sounds great. Personally, I
would not bother with the 1st set.