Shaboo Inn
Willimantic, Ct
performance date: 6/5/77
broadcast date: 6/19/77 on WHCN
Great set from NRBQ. Looks like only a partial set was broadcast.
2 minor quirks:
beginning of track 7, there's a real quick spilt-second dropour- no music is affected
beginning of track 8, the piano speed gets meesed up for less than a second
That's All
It Feels Good
All By Myself
I Just want To have You Back Again
Dr Howard, Dr Fine, Dr Howard
All Mama's Children
I Don't Know What I Got Until I Lose It
Honey Hush
Mambo Jambo
Call Him Off Rodgers
And When She Smiles
Rocket In My Pocket
Right Strings, Wrong Yo-Yo