Ian McClain's Farm
Hebron, NY
SOURCE: SBD > Cass/0 > DAT > CD > EAC > CD > "REBA" > SHN v3 (seekable)
Set 1:
Divided Sky
Run Like an Antelope
Colonel Forbin's Ascent->
Fly Famous Mockingbird
Slave to the Traffic Light*
Suzie Greenberg
You Enjoy Myself
Set 2:
Mike's Song->
I am Hydrogen->
Weekapaug Groove
Bathtub Gin
Ride Captain Ride
Peaches en Regalia
Take the A-Train^
Ninja Mike Rap^->
The Price of Love^^
Funky Bitch*
Split Open and Melt
The Mango Song
Harry Hood
Set 3:
La Grange
The Sloth
Sneaking Sally Through the Alley
Ya Mar
Jesus Left Chicago
*indicates a tape flip occurs in the song...these were left as-is. no fades or edits were performed to try to "smooth them out"...
^wtih Paul Pham(?) on horn of some sort....
^^with guests Ninja Mike Billington and Magoo...Fish on trombone and vacuum
^^^Actual Disc Layouts^^^
Divided Sky
Run Like an Antelope
Colonel Forbin's Ascent->
Fly Famous Mockingbird
Slave to the Traffic Light
Suzie Greenberg
You Enjoy Myself
Mike's Song->
I am Hydrogen->
Weekapaug Groove
Bathtub Gin
Ride Captain Ride
Peaches en Regalia
Take the A-Train
Ninja Mike Rap-> The Price of Love
Funky Bitch
Split Open and Melt
The Mango Song
Harry Hood
Disc 4:
La Grange
The Sloth
Sneaking Sally Through the Alley
Ya Mar
Jesus Left Chicago
****this recording is not perfect, it does have unfixable "as it was layed down" flaws from the tapes****
This show is pure drunken humor from the stage at it's best!
On a serious note, I obtained this copy of the show and was disappointed at the fact that the tracks were completely out of order, the tracking was odd to say the least, and that portions of songs are missing due to tape flips. I had always wondered about the set list, so I did some digging.....When I started to work on the show, I decided that the best way to do so would be to put each set back intact and work from there. This was a HUGE challenge. Since the tracks were out of order, finding the proper order was the first step. After getting the confirmation of the song order from and 2 other sources, I proceeded to place the tracks in their proper order. Also, after doing the DC Offset removal, I took note of the results. For those that don't know, DC Offsets occur when you transfer from one electronic device to another, kinda like an azmiuth adjustment on old analog equipment. It's always a good idea to take note of, and remove these DC Offsets before doing any editing of a show.....anyways, the DC Offsets and the general flow of the music under high magnification led me to conclude that the set list I came up with is the PROPER order for the show. If anyone has any further questions, or curiosity e-mail me at:
Seeded by Mr. Marmar 9/02