Wednesday, April 18, 1990 - Herman's Hideaway, Denver, CO

SBD > Cass/0 > DAT > CDR > EAC > SHN
Mockingtree #1

Seeded by Ben Mohr

Disc 1:
Set I:
1.) Mike's Song >
2.) I am Hydrogen >
3.) Weekapaug Groove
4.) Uncle Pen
5.) The Curtain >
6.) Foam
7.) You Enjoy Myself
8.) My Sweet One
9.) Take the A-Train ->
10.) Possum
Set II:
11.) La Grange

Disc 2:
Set II cont:
1.) Fee
2.) The Sloth
3.) Funky Bitch
4.) Reba >
5.) Walk Away
6.) Oh Kee Pah Ceremony >
7.) Bold As Love
8.) Lawn Boy
9.) David Bowie -> Light Show Jam -> Jagermeister -> David Bowie