Earlham College
Richmond, IN.
Source: SBD> Cass/2
Transfer: Dennon DRW-840> Sony PCM-r500 at 44.1> Audiophile 2496> Samplitude 5.5> CD Wave Editor to track> FLAC on 12/29/04 by eee
Remastering, tracking,edits, FLAC16 by Marmar-
Disc 1
- Set I -
01 - /Reba
02 - The Landlady->
03 - Bouncin Around the Room
04 - Runaway Jim
05 - Cavern
06 - My Sweet One
07 - Buried Alive->
08 - The Lizards
09 - /Mike's Song->
10 - I am Hydrogen->
11 - Weekapaug Groove
Disc 2
- Set II -
01 - /Suzy Greenberg
02 - You Enjoy Myself->
03 - The Asse Festival
04 - Fee
05 - /Llama
06 - Divided/Sky
07 - HYHU >
08 - Bike* > HYHU
09 - /Possum
*first performance
The original seed was running slow. The sets were time stretched to 98% of their original size. Minor adjustments to the pan and levels were made to balance out the stereo spread. Some of the harder cuts were faded to lessen the impact.