July 16th, 1994
Sugarbush North Ski Area - Fayston, VT
FOB Schoeps cmc54/ > Sonosax > Apogee ad500e > Sony D8
Seeded by: James Dunnican (
Transfer: D8 (48kHz) -> Montego II (resampling) -> Sound Forge -> CDWAV
Set I Disc 1:
1. Golgi 04:48
2. Down With Disease 06:02
3. Nitrus Oxide 01:56
4. Stash 10:26
5. Lizards 10:00
6. Cavern 04:22
7. The Horse> 01:36
8. Silent in the Morning 04:56
9. Maze> 10:38
10. Sparkle 03:43
11. Sample in a Jar 04:49
Total 63:16
Set II Disc 2:
1. Antelope> 09:55
2. Catapult> 01:10
3. Antelope> 08:08
4. Harpua> 08:14
5. Also Sprach Zarachustra 03:07
6. Harpua> 06:12
7. Ac/Dc Bag 07:46
8. Scent of a Mule 07:59
Total 52.31
Set II Disc 3
1. Harry Hood 16:08
2. Contact 06:17
3. Chaulkdust Torture 09:07
4. Suzy Greenberg 06:17
Total 37:49
Taper is unknown at this point.. Dats were sent to me back in 1996 and I cannot remember for the life of me
who I traded with. Sound is excellent. Please report any problems.