Hershey Park Stadium
Hershey, PA
Source: AKG 414's->DA-P1 (no other info given)
Transfer: DA-20->Delta Dio 2496->Soundforge 4.5 (resampled 48>44.1 on highest accuracy setting w/anti alias filter)->CDWAV->SHN
Transfer by: Brandon Johnston
Disc 1: (70:25.65)
Set I:
1.Buried Alive
2.Down with Disease
3.Theme From the Bottom
4.Poor Heart
5.Wolfman's Brother
6.Chalk Dust Torture
7.Colonel Forbin's Ascent ->
8.Fly Famous Mockingbird
Disc 2: (76:08.19)
Set II:
1.Halley's Comet ->
2.Mike's Song->
3.Weekapaug Groove ->
4.The Mango Song
6.Suspicious Minds
7.David Bowie-> Catapult-> David Bowie
8.crowd noise
9.E: Suzie Greenberg
Notes: Removed a small glitch at 33:00.500 of set II using soundforge. I love this show but have never found a
good quality audience recording. This one is as good as I've heard.