The Palace
Auburn Hills, MI
s: FOB ORTF Neumann KM-140 > Beyerdynamic MV-100 > Sony SBM-1 @ 44.1
t: master DAT > Panasonic 3700 > TC Electronic Finalizer+ (bypass, electrical>optical) > Apple Macbook Pro > Amadeus 3.8.7
2006-08-05 transfer
Set 1
1. intro
2. Buried Alive
3. Poor Heart
4. Sloth
5. Divided Sky
6. Horn
7. Tube
8. Talk
9. Split Open and melt
10. Lizards
11. Character Zero
12. outro
Set 2
1. intro
2. David Bowie
3. A Day in the Life
4. You Enjoy Myself
5. Taste
6. Swept Away > Steep
7. Harry Hood
8. crowd
9. Julius
10. outro