A Good Park in
Commerce City, CO
AT4031s (FOB/DFC/PAS[60°@47 cm]/~5.5') > GAK Cables > Zoom F8 (24/48)
mixed and mastered in Audition CS6 > resampled & dithered (16/44.1) in Sound Forge > tracked in CDWav > encoded in dBpoweramp > tagged in Mp3tag
recorded, mastered, tagged, and posted by djphrayz
Set 1
1. Free >
2. Harry Hood
3. What's the Use? >
4. Blaze On
5. Ghost ->
6. Crosseyed and Painless >
7. Simple >
8. Cavern
Set 2
1. intro
2. No Men In No Man's Land >
3. Carini >
4. Theme From the Bottom >
5. Mercury >
6. Light
7. Martian Monster >
8. Julius
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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