Atlantic City, NJ

AT4031s (FOB/DFC/[60°@47 cm]/~6') > Zoom F8 (24/48)
SDHC > processed in Reaper > tracked in CDWav > encoded in dBpoweramp > tagged in Mp3tag

recorded, processed, tagged, and posted by djphrayz

Set 1
1. The Landlady
2. Scents and Subtle Sounds >
3. The Moma Dance >
4. The Final Hurrah
5. Mike's Song
6. I Am Hydrogen
7. Weekapaug Groove
8. The Sloth
9. Roggae
10. Back on the Train
11. You Enjoy Myself

Set 2
1. Carini >
2. Set Your Soul Free >
3. Beneath a Sea of Stars Part 1 ->
4. Piper ->
5. Carini >
6. Waves >
7. Simple >
8. About to Run
9. First Tube

10. Fluffhead
11. Backwards Down the Number Line

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:
