Ringo and the Roundheads
Recorded Live at Irving Plaza
New York City
June 19, 2005
01 Ken Dashow intro
02 Tuning
03 With a Little Help from My Friends
04 It Don't Come Easy
05 Octopus's Garden
06 Choose Love
07 I Wanna Be Your Man
08 Don't Pass Me By
09 [Intro Glitch]
10 I'm the Greatest
11 Give Me Back the Beat
12 Memphis In Your Mind
13 Photograph
14 Never Without You
15 Back Off Boogaloo
16 Boys
17 You Can't Do That
18 Long Tall Sally
19 I'm Down
20 Oh! Darling
21 Yellow Submarine
22 Act Naturally
23 With a Little Help from My Friends
tracks 17-20: the Roundheads
track 23: joined by Little Steven and Max Weinberg
So, it must have been some kind of springtime madness: the Darthelves for reasons only they can explain, hightailed it up to Boston to hear a demonstration of an electric viola da gamba -- you know, that Baroque stringed instrument that's played in the film "Tous le Matins du Monde," except here was a guy playing Hendrix's version of "The Star-Spangled Banner" on it, complete with all the effects. Which is all very nice, but they embarked on this trip just exactly when Ringo and the Roundheads paid their latest visit to New York. Personally, I'm investigating a conspiracy theory: I mean, the Red Sox beat out the Yankees for the pennant (did I type that?) and suddenly the elves are scurrying to Boston. Hmmmmm. Boston. Mordor. Two syllables, same stress pattern. It's possible.
Anyway, all of that is just to say that the Darthelves, being AWOL, didn't manage to capture Ringo's Irving Plaza appearance, but our pals at Bite the Big Apple did, and have provided a tape. Pretty straightforward, except there was, alas, a tape glitch during the intro to "I'm the Greatest." The silence (with a brief burst of Ringo) is in real time; instead of editing it out, we gave it a track of its own (track 9, "Intro Glitch") so that it can be easily skipped for those of you whose compleatist tendencies don't extend to hearing a large real-time drop out. (Anyway, the Bite guys kind of suggested leaving it as is, and so we have). Otherwise, the only changes undertaken at the Darthlabs involved moving the tracking points on several songs, and splitting the Roundheads' medley into separate tracks.
Have a blast!
Neo -- 6/2005
Darthdisc DD 032