Steve Kimock Band 01-26-2002 The Palladium, Worcester, MA
Source: (On Stage, dfc) Schoeps mk21(ortf, 3' pole)->kc-5->cmc6->
Lunatec 316->Benchmark AD2K+(ns3, 20, @44.1kHz). Recorded
by Eric McRoberts & Andrew Jones. John Lynch's DA-P1 patch
master first out of 2K+ used in below transfer. Special
thanks to Scott Gordon.
Transfer: R500->Audio Magic Presto II->Zefiro ZA2->Soundforge 4.5->
CDWav->.shn transferred by Eric McRoberts
*Dankseed Certification received 2002-02-03*
and posted at
Listening test performed by *5* danksters
positive criteria met:
Tracking- OK
Seamless and complete- OK
Lineage listed- OK
negative criteria met:
Resampled- NO
Diginoise- NO
Disk 1 <69:15>
1. Introduction 01:10
2. Tongue 'N' Groove 13:58
3. Long Form Pt. 4 17:27
4. Elmer's Friggin Fudd 19:08
5. Stage Banter 01:32
6. Rainbows Cadillac 15:58
Disk 2 <72:04>
1. Five B4 Funk 20:28
2. High & Lonesome 12:14
3. Moon People 15:31
4. Avalon 21:14
5. Outro 02:35
Steve Kimock-Guitars
Mitch Stein-Guitars
Alphonso Johnson-Bass
Rodney Holmes-Drums