Spin Doctors
Bowery Ballroom - NYC
disc 1 [58:19]
1 intro
2 What Time Is It
3 Yo Mama's A Pajama
4 Little Miss Can't Be Wrong
5 Freeway of the Plains >
Lady Kerosene
6 Why Do You Want Him
7 Refrigerator Car >
8 Shinbone Alley >
9 Big Fat Funky Booty
10 Jimmy Olsen's Blues
disc 2 [41:59]
{John Popper joins for rest of show}
1 John Popper intro
2 Off My Line
3 banter
4 Two Princes
5 band intros
6 House
7 Cleopatra's Cat
8 high school story
9 Hard to Exist
10 More Than She Knows
Audience / Neumann TLM170s hypercards split ~30' clamped to front of balcony around Soundboard > Apogee AD-1000 (+20,16/48) > Teac DAP-20 DAT master
Fostex D-10 DAT(m) > RME Digi 96/8 Pro / SoundForge 4.5 (record, trims, fades, resampling 48>44.1 highest settings) / CDWave 1.6 (tracking) > .wav > mkwACT > .shn
recording by Scott Bernstein
transfer & mastering by ericv
please share freely and never for commercial profit
peace, further...